Apr 19, 2012

Pain in the brain

This is to announce to the whole wide world that I'm done with Neuroanatomy(firstreadingonlynothingbigiknowbutwhoamikiddingitsabigdealforme.)
So, one of the (many)terrifying subjects from the mbbs days has been ticked off, after several hours of yawning and even a few extra&intracranial assaults, i think!

[Biochem, you next you mofo]

Apr 9, 2012

lol u so smart Dr!

As seen on the med school's alumni facebook page:

Hello all.I'm Dr ABC. 98 batch. Working as an orthopaedician at xyz hospitals..hahah..god only save people
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Maha #facepalm

(words have been changed, the actual post is lamer)